Tynedale Talking Newspaper Logo

Tynedale Talking Newspaper

Local news & information for people with impaired vision

TTN Cake with 40 candles being blown out by volunteers Anne and June and listener Neville

40th Anniversary

The Tynedale Talking Newspaper was founded in 1982. In 2022 we celebrated our 40th anniversary with a tea party, where many listeners, volunteers and acquaintances old and new came together to mark the occasion.

Pete Barrett was an early volunteer and a long standing engineer and contributor to TTN’s technical development. Pete wrote a lighthearted account of TTN’s history and you can listen to an audio version of it, recorded by Sue Turnbull, on the audio player below.

The history of TTN has been captured by Anne Galbraith. You can read her book by clicking arrows below or you can download a PDF version here.

An on screen readable version of Anne Galbraith's book 'TTN The First Forty Years'

Registered Charity No. 1034087

© Tynedale Talking Newspaper  

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